Living with Chronic Pain
Tips For Managing Rising Drug Costs

The cost of prescription drugs is constantly on the rise. To avoid the rising cost of prescription medications, try these 5 simple and effective tips.
5. Go Generic

Before the doctor can write out a prescription, inquire as to whether there is a generic brand of the drug, especially for individuals who know that their insurance won’t cover the name brand. Generics are typically equally as effective and can be purchased at a fraction of the cost.
4. Get Support

Individual should contact their insurance to inquire whether a drug is covered. If it isn’t, gather support to encourage and demand that the insurance carrier covers the cost of the prescription drug. Grassroots pressure can be extremely effective at causing change.
3. Do Research

Go online and use the internet to find the best prices on prescription drugs. The following websites are considered the best for product comparison and the last one offers delivery to the local pharmacy:
Good RxConsumer Reports Best Drugs for LessBlink Health
2. Consider Changing

Individuals can review their insurance plan and compare it with other options. If individuals are may be paying too little on their monthly premium, this may be why their co-pays and out-of-pocket costs are so high. Consider paying a bit more each month for better coverage.
1. Sign Up for Promotions

Local pharmacies may offer a prescription drug rewards or discount program. Individuals can even contact the company that produces the prescription drug to see if they quality for an assistance program.