Select the bookmark icon on any content item within PainScale to save the article so it can be viewed later. The icon will fill in to show it is saved.
To access your saved content: On mobile apps: Click on "Learn" on the menu on the bottom of the screen. Then when on the "Learn" main page, click the bookmarking icon on the top right corner
On web: Go to the main navigation and click the bookmarking icon
To search from over 500 medically reviewed articles about symptoms, treatments, or your condition follow the below incstruction:
On mobile apps: Click on "Learn" on the menu on the bottom of the screen. Then when on the "Learn" main page, click within the search text box on the top of the page.
On web: Go to the main navigation and click the magnifying glass icon
The Journal feature is a record of all your logs in one location that can be easily shared and reviewed with your physican.
Use journal to:
- See trends by viewing the calendar or your list of past logs and looking at the color differences
- Refer to past logs, including your notes
- Edit log for a day in the past if you missed a day
To update a log with new information:
1. Click on the Journal feature on the menu on the bottom of the screen (on mobile apps) or click on "Journal" on the top of the page (on web).
2. When on the "Journal" main page, find the log you are looking to edit (by clicking on a calendar date or the individual log in the list), then click on the log row. This will open up the log for editing.
3. Edit the log just as you would log on a daily basis.
If you miss a day and you want to keep your log updated:
1. Create a new log with the pain, activity, treatment, medication, sleep, and mood information for a day in the past.
2. Click on the Journal feature on the menu on the bottom of the screen (on mobile apps) or click on "Journal" on the top of the page (on web).
3. When on the "Journal main page, find the log you are looking to edit (by clicking on a calendar date or the individual log in the list), then click on the log row. This will open up the log for editing.
4. Edit the Date & Time field in the log just as you would log on a daily basis.
Insights from PainScale help you understand the information from your logs or how other people in the pain community are managing and coping with their condition.
There are two types of insights that are important to help you manage your pain:
1. Personal Insights use the information you log to reveal trends, patterns, and correlations between how your pain, activity, sleep, medications and mood are inclfuenced by the treatments and medication you use.
2. Community Insights use information from logs submitted by other PainScale users. These insights can help educate you on what treatments others with a similar diagnosis are using to manage their pain.
To reveal (or unlock) specific insights within PainScale, a certain amount of information is required to complete our calculations in order for the insights to be useful for both you and your doctor. These insights were developed with input from medical professionals and are common questions you can expect your doctor to ask in your next appointment.
To know how to "unlock" a particular Insight, look at the bottom of the card, where it says, "X Logs to Unlock." When you reach the minimum number of logs, you will be able to see that Insight. This number will update as you continue to log. When a new log is 'unlocked' or revealed, you will be notified.
Your information is protected using industry best practices for security, encryption, and services from well-known companies (e.g. Google, Amazon). PainScale uses the information you provide to personalize your experience, surface content appropriate to where you are in your treatment journey, and find better ways to share new insights, updates, and treatments available for your condition.
All of the questions included in the profile have been recommended by medical professionals and pain experts to help better diagnose and manage chronic pain conditions.
The PainScale profile can help you :
1. Keep all your pain management information in one place (e.g. all treatments ever logged, medications you have tried, your physician information, etc.).
2. Help PainScale determine content and other recommendations customized by you. The more information you provide the better we'll be able to tailor the experience to your needs.
For more detailed information, please refer to our Terms & Conditions.