Pain Specific Symptoms
Pain is a complicated condition. An individual who is living with chronic pain may develop symptoms that are only experienced in connection with a chronic pain condition. These symptoms can be considered pain specific. Symptoms that are related to treatments use for chronic pain can also fit in this category.
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These symptoms can have a variety of effects on the body. Here are a few examples. Allodynia is when an individual feels pain from a touch that should not cause pain, for example a feather on the skin. It results from nerve damage. Paresthesia is an abnormal skin sensation with no apparent cause. It can feel like burning, numbing, or pins & needles. It is generally the result of nerve damage but it can have many other causes. Hyperalgeisa is when painful sensations feel even more painful than they would normally. It can occur as a response to opioid medication, nerve damage or central sensitization.
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