Living with Chronic Pain

Dealing With Setbacks

Source: WebMD

Chronic pain is complex: symptoms vary in duration and intensity and are highly individualized. However, individuals with chronic pain often share many of the same frustrations and difficulties, including dealing with setbacks.

Managing major life events, such as relocating, bereavement, or dealing with stressors specific to chronic pain (e.g., medication side effects, a recent surgery or other procedure, etc.) can increase pain levels and delay treatment. Setbacks such as these can lead to feelings of frustration, isolation, and loss of motivation. It is essential for effective chronic pain management to know how to deal with setbacks as they arise. The following tips may be useful to anyone struggling with setbacks in their chronic pain journey.

Be gentle

Feelings of frustration are very common when facing a setback. Be gentle with yourself. Practice self-forgiveness. Setbacks are not your fault. Nobody asks for chronic pain.

Practice pacing

Contrary to what may seem intuitive, remaining active is important during a setback (unless a trusted health care provider recommends otherwise). While remaining active, practice activity pacing. Be sure to take time to sit (if standing for the majority of the day) and stretch. Make sure not to overextend yourself, and don’t be afraid to seek help from others.

Just say “no”

Individuals often have a difficult time saying “no,” whether to avoid conflict or feelings of guilt, obtain approval from others, or eliminate the fear of missing out. However, learning to say "no" is beneficial for physical and mental health. Committing to too many activities can exacerbate pain levels. Rest and self-care are necessary, especially during setbacks.

Practice relaxation techniques

Practicing relaxation techniques, such as meditation, mindful breathing, or body scans, can help reduce stress during periods of setback. Relaxing activities or hobbies, such as listening to music, petting an animal, doing cross-stitch, painting, or doing puzzles, not only eases stress but also provides distraction from pain.


It’s helpful to reframe the situation when dealing with a setback. Try to look at a setback as just a change in the original plan. Remember that the one constant in life is change. Implement a new plan going forward.

Additional sources: HealthCentral, NHS Cambridge University Hospitals, and Live Well with Pain

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