Painscale App
Connecting Your Samsung Health

When you suffer from chronic pain, every aspect of life impacts pain one way or the other. With the modern wearable technologies, tracking one’s physical activity level in real time, sleep patterns, heart rate etc. has become effortless and automatic. Finding correlations between the experienced pain level and the hard data collected by these wearable devices is not only useful to manage one’s life with less pain but also help physicians to prescribe the right care and treatment, backed by the real data.
Painscale allows easy integration with devices like Fitbit, Samsung health or any other device that already pushes data to Google Fit (on Android) or Apple Healthkit (on iOS) to enable users to seamlessly access their wearable data and present them in the context of pain logs. In this series of articles, we will explain the steps needed to connect with one of these devices.
To access Samsung Health, select the Apps icon from the home page on the bottom right.

After navigating to the “Apps page,” click on the Samsung icon.

Upon navigating through to the “Samsung page,” select the Samsung Health icon.

Once you select Samsung Health, a login page will appear and you will have to enter your login information.

After connecting Samsung Health and Painscale App, the wearable data will start appearing inside the app immediately.